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2018 Open access highlights in Earth Sciences

Looking back at the past year to inspire the future

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Earth Sciences open access highlights 

We're taking a look back and to reflect on some of the most popular Earth Sciences research, to inspire us as we begin the new year. 

We invite Jan Margulies from our editorial team, to share his experience in the Earth Sciences programme. 

Read and share our key articles and journals - our research is fully open access, and are freely available online on a permanent basis to a wide global audience. 

The year in review.. an Editorial perspective

Jan MarguliesWe are looking forward to an age where we live in sustainable cities, with a functioning risk management to prevent geo-disasters. The climate change is one of the biggest issues in this century and we have to listen closely what scientists are telling us about it.

While a new Mars probe was landed on our neighbour planet and we are able to have a way more closely and deeper look into our universe the future of the earth is being under discussions. Geoscientists from all over the world are working on fundamental research and also in a growing field of interdisciplinary approaches.

We are looking forward to an age where we live in sustainable cities, with a functioning risk management to prevent geo-disasters. The climate change is one of the biggest issues in this century and we have to listen closely what scientist are telling us about it.

The SpringerOpen portfolio of fully open access geoscience journals covers a wide range of the earth sciences. Read some of the highlights of 2018 and explore the recent published article collections of the journals.

CO-2 free renewable energy

The 5th European Geothermal Workshop held on 12-13 October 2017 in Karlsruhe, Germany, focused on interdisciplinary research, integrative approaches and combinations of different techniques, measurement methods and numerical solutions. The use of large-scale geothermal energy was discussed that promises sustainable and CO2-free energy from a huge and inexhaustible potential. If developed appropriately, geothermal energy can make a significant contribution to the switch to renewable energies.  In order to be efficient and successful in this regard, new ideas and concepts must be disseminated and advanced. The new article collection Integrative Approaches in Deep Geothermal Science published in the journal Geothermal Energy originates from the contributions to this workshop.

Urban meteorology and climate in growing Asian cities

Over half of the world's population reside in urban areas, particularly in Asian countries and its percentage continues to increase. A conference co-organised by City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Asian Network for Climate Science and Technology (ANCST) was held in May 2017 to discuss recent research on urban meteorology and climate in growing Asian cities, especially in relation to air pollution and land-use change and its impact on weather and climate, urban flooding and water availability. The thematic collection Asian Urban Meteorology and Climate published in Geoscience Letters is presenting articles on that topic.

Threat by tsunamis

In 2015 an international workshop associated with meeting of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System resulted in the article collection on Reducing tsunami risk in the western Indian Ocean. Tsunamis from the Makran subduction zone threaten nearby and distant shores of the western Indian Ocean. The collection includes paper that are investigating the 1945 Makran tsunami.

Landslide mapping, monitoring and early warning

The journal Geoenvironmental Disasters awarded their best paper award 2017 to the article Spaceborne, UAV and ground-based remote sensing techniques for landslide mapping, monitoring and early warning.

Smart cities

The journal City, Territory and Architecture introduces with an Editorial an article collection on Smart Cities and Security. The emergent technologies, sometimes referred to as Disruptive Digital Technologies (DDTs), including social media, machine-learning, 3-D printing, advanced robotics, unmanned vehicles (drones) and the Internet of Things (IoT), provoke argument over the opportunities for realising “smart cities” but also the threats of introducing new vulnerabilities for the security of city-regions.

Open Source Geospatial Software

The journal Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards presents an article collection about Open Source Geospatial Software. In the geospatial domain, the creation and evolution of open source software projects are typically based on a crowdsourcing mechanism counting on communities (project leaders, users, developers, translators, etc.) from all over the world. The importance of open source geospatial software, also termed FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial), has become so high that the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) was created to support and promote its development and widespread adoption.

Two geoscience journals joined BMC in 2018:

The new journal Sustainable Earth published it first articles with an introductory editorial by the Editor in Chief Peter Newman. The journal’s subtitle – ‘Science, Policy, Society’ – highlights the connectivity between core research, policy and everyday life. As such, the journal particularly welcomes articles that may influence policy or alter societal paradigms. The first Guideline article Improving collaborative knowledge production for climate change mitigation: lessons from EU Horizon 2020 experiences is setting seven practical directions towards a more effective exchange between science and policy, aimed at policymakers, funding agencies and researchers.

Jan Margulies is the Journal Development Editor for SpringerOpen/BMC Earth Sciences open access journals.

10 Most Downloaded Journal Articles

The open access articles listed have over 55,000 downloads in the past year:

Explore the collection of journals

Earth, Planets and Space   Geothermal Energy   International Journal of Disaster Risk Science

Petroleum Science   International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste   New Content Item

New Content Item  New Content Item  New Content Item

New to SpringerOpen

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More Earth sciences journals from our partner  


JAVO   New Content Item    

10 Most Cited Journal Articles

What are the some of the most cited articles? Find out more below.

Explore the collection of journals

Earth, Planets and Space   Geothermal Energy   International Journal of Disaster Risk Science

Petroleum Science   International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste   New Content Item

New Content Item  New Content Item  New Content Item

New to SpringerOpen

New Content Item

More Earth sciences journals from our partner  


JAVO   New Content Item    

Revisit our content

Take a look at some of our featured content from 2018. 

New Content ItemEver wondered who reads your work?

We've captured the impact of Petroleum Science in our infograph. 

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Volcanology and society

Read a feature on the unique aspects of volcanic risk systems around the world.

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Explore the rest of our SpringerOpen Highlights:

ChemistryComputer Science — Earth Sciences — Energy — Engineering — Materials Science — Physics — Humanities & Social Sciences

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