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Topical collection on The Influence of Intelligent Transport Systems on Vulnerable Road User Accidents

CC0 licenseDespite substantial progress in improving road safety over the last decade, vulnerable road users (VRUs) have not profited as much as vehicle occupants from these developments. One of the potential measures to improve traffic safety is through the use of intelligent transport systems (ITS), by making vehicles or infrastructures more intelligent. 

The studies in this article collection investigate ways in which ITS can contribute to  the safety, mobility and comfort of VRUs. Read the editorial by co-guest editor Johan Scholliers here.

  1. Delivery truck drivers face various physical and psychosocial discomforts and risks in their work. Psychosocial perceptions are linked to physiological and psychological loads—strain and stress—affecting drive...

    Authors: Jose Manuel Ojel-Jaramillo Romero, Arto Reiman, Jose Juan Cañas Delgado, Seppo Väyrynen, Janne Pekkala and Mikael Forsman
    Citation: European Transport Research Review 2018 10:27
  2. The current safety situation for Powered Two Wheelers (PTW) within the EU is alarming. According to EU statistics, PTW riders account for 17% of all fatal road injuries in the region and twice as many fataliti...

    Authors: Anne Silla, Lars Leden, Pirkko Rämä, Johan Scholliers, Martijn van Noort, Andrew Morris, Graham Hancox and Daniel Bell
    Citation: European Transport Research Review 2018 10:18
  3. This paper presents some of the work conducted in FP7 VRUITS project to draw a set of general recommendations for actions at the EU level aiming to enhance the deployment of ITS systems directed to improve the...

    Authors: Dick Mans, Ioannis Giannelos, Ricardo van Breemen, Menzo Rood, Anne Silla, Pirkko Rämä, Johan Scholliers, Oscar Martin Perez and Kerry Malone
    Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:22
  4. This paper describes the modification and development of methodologies to assess the impacts of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) applications for Vulnerable Road users (VRUs) in the domains of safety, mobil...

    Authors: Kerry Malone, Anne Silla, Charlotta Johanssen and Daniel Bell
    Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:21
  5. This paper describes the development of an architecture for the integration of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), i.e. pedestrians, cyclists and powered two-wheelers (PTWs) in Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) systems, and t...

    Authors: Johan Scholliers, Marcel van Sambeek and Kees Moerman
    Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:15