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Call for papers - Advanced Signal Processing for Distributed and Autonomous Sensing Systems

Edited by:
Raj Thilak Rajan, PhD, Delft university of Technology (TUD), Netherlands
Usman Khan, PhD, Tufts University, United States

Submission Status: Open   |   Submission Deadline: 20 March 2025

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing is calling for submissions to our Collection on Advanced Signal Processing for Distributed and Autonomous Sensing Systems. This Special Issuer is linked to the 32nd European Signal Processing Conerence (EUSIPCO 2024). 

The past decade has seen a rise in the adoption of distributed autonomous sensing systems (DASS), in the field of drone swarms, automotives, satellite networks, industry automation, autonomous rovers and truck platooning to name a few. These networked cyber-physical systems are typically tasked with complex missions, which necessitate accurate PNT (Position, Navigation, and Timing), cooperative sensing, coordination and control, decision making, sensor fusion, distributed inference and learning, and timely decision making on the Edge. 

In many cases, these DASS are also deployed in inaccessible or intermittently accessible environments e.g., drone swarms in BVLOS scenarios, with limited access to cloud services and other critical infrastructure, which necessitates on-board or in-network inference, control, and decision. Signal processing and Machine learning play a vital role in providing efficient, optimal and robust solutions for these challenges. This special issue is a platform to address these challenges by presenting research on novel data models, signal processing and machine learning algorithms, resource constrained real-time Edge AI solutions, and fundamental insights into advanced optimization and statistical tools.

Image credits: © [M] Blue Planet Studio /

About the Collection

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing is calling for submissions to our Collection on Advanced Signal Processing for Distributed and Autonomous Sensing Systems. This Special Issuer is linked to the 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2024). 

The past decade has seen a rise in the adoption of distributed autonomous sensing systems (DASS), in the field of drone swarms, automotives, satellite networks, industry automation, autonomous rovers and truck platooning to name a few. These networked cyber-physical systems are typically tasked with complex missions, which necessitate accurate PNT (Position, Navigation, and Timing), cooperative sensing, coordination and control, decision making, sensor fusion, distributed inference and learning, and timely decision making on the Edge. 

In many cases, these DASS are also deployed in inaccessible or intermittently accessible environments e.g., drone swarms in BVLOS scenarios, with limited access to cloud services and other critical infrastructure, which necessitates on-board or in-network inference, control, and decision. Signal processing and Machine learning play a vital role in providing efficient, optimal and robust solutions for these challenges. This special issue is a platform to address these challenges by presenting research on novel data models, signal processing and machine learning algorithms, resource constrained real-time Edge AI solutions, and fundamental insights into advanced optimization and statistical tools.

In this special issue, we aim to push the boundaries of sensing, learning, decision making and autonomous mobility of DASS. Key topics of interest include, but not limited to
• Distributed (and decentralised) optimisation for multi-agent systems
• Collaborative position, navigation, and timing (PNT) of multi-agent systems
• Machine learning models for large-scale networked sensing systems
• Probabilistic and Physics-inspired sensor fusion for autonomous systems
• Sparsity exploiting methods for distributed sensing systems
• Security and Privacy of distributed signal processing in networked systems
• Distributed estimation, detection and decision making in networked systems
• Applications: Industrial automation, Automotive, Situational awareness, Smart cities, Drone swarms, Satellite networks, and more

Article publication will be continuously, i.e. articles are published into the special issue one at a time as soon as they are ready. Authors are encouraged to contact with the Guest Editors for submission scope related queries.

Image credits:© [M] Blue Planet Studio /

Meet the Guest Editors

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Raj Thilak Rajan, PhD, Delft university of Technology (TUD), Netherlands

Raj Thilak Rajan is an assistant professor at the Signal Processing group in Delft University of Technology (TUD), where he received his PhD in 2016. He is also the Co-director of the Delft Sensor AI Lab, and serves as the Master Coordinator for the Signals and Systems Track at TUD. Previously between 2007-2018, he held various research positions, including CERN (Switzerland), ASTRON (The Netherlands) and IMEC (The Netherlands). Raj is an IEEE Senior member, an Associate editor of the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, and a steering committee member of IEEE Autonomous Systems initiative. His research focuses on statistical machine learning, with applications to distributed autonomous sensing systems. 

Usman Khan, PhD, Tufts University, United States

Usman Khan is a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Tufts University with a secondary appointment in Computer Science. He is also an Amazon Scholar with Amazon Robotics. He is the director of the Signal Processing and RoboTic Networks (SPARTN) laboratory at Tufts. He received an NSF CAREER award in 2014, and is a senior member of IEEE and on the editorial boards of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, and IEEE Open Journal on Signal Processing. Usman Khan's research interests lie in the areas of data and network science, systems and control, and optimization theory and algorithms with applications in autonomous multi-agent systems, Internet of Mobile Things (IoMTs), fleets of driverless vehicles, and smart-and-connected cities.

There are currently no articles in this collection.

Submission Guidelines

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This Collection welcomes submission of Research Articles. Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have read our submission guidelines. Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system. During the submission process, under the section additional information, you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection, please select "Advanced Signal Processing for Distributed and Autonomous Sensing Systems" from the dropdown menu.

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s editorial standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

The Guest Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Guest Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.