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Reducing tsunami risk in the western Indian Ocean

Edited by: Adam D. Switzer, Yuichiro Tanioka, Sultan Al-Yahyai, Brian Atwater, Peter Koltermann, Joern Lauterjung

Geoscience Letters welcomes submissions to the new thematic series "Reducing tsunami risk in the western Indian Ocean".

Tsunamis from the Makran subduction zone threaten nearby and distant shores of the western Indian Ocean. In 2015, this threat occasioned an international workshop associated with meeting of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System. Now, papers pertaining to Makran tsunami risk are requested for a thematic collection in Geoscience Letters. Most papers are expected to focus on near-field tsunami risk and warning in Oman, Iran, Pakistan, and India, but contributions will also be considered on lessons in other countries.

  1. Tsunamis generated along the Makran subduction zone (MSZ) threaten the Sur coast of Oman, according to deterministic and probabilistic analyses presented here. A validated shallow water numerical code simulate...

    Authors: I. El-Hussain, R. Omira, Z. Al-Habsi, M. A. Baptista, A. Deif and A. M. E. Mohamed
    Citation: Geoscience Letters 2018 5:30
  2. A high-frequency (HF) ocean radar system is a shore-based remote sensing system to simultaneously monitor ocean surface currents, waves and wind far beyond the horizon. The system operation is based on electro...

    Authors: Anna Dzvonkovskaya, Leif Petersen, Thomas Helzel and Matthias Kniephoff
    Citation: Geoscience Letters 2018 5:29
  3. This paper extends and detides a Karachi tide-gauge record as an observational basis for assessing Indian Ocean tsunami risk. The extended marigram encompasses the time of the great 1945 Makran earthquake of e...

    Authors: Loyce M. Adams, Brian F. Atwater and Haider Hasan
    Citation: Geoscience Letters 2018 5:25