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Environmental challenges and solutions in shipping

This special issue deals with recent research results presented during the WCTR SIGA2 2015 Conference held in Antwerp. It presents various contributions in the field of environmental issues in maritime shipping and ports, dealing with problem identification as well as solutions that can be put in place to mitigate or take away impacts.

Guest Editors:

Thierry VaneIslander, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Edwin van Hassel, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Venus Lun, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

  1. The management of dredged sediments is a major challenge for many ports and harbours who need to maintain navigable access. Sediment volumes produced may be significant and expensive to manage. This paper pres...

    Authors: Joseph Harrington, J. Murphy, M. Coleman, D. Jordan and G. Szacsuri
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2016 1:7
  2. In this research we evaluate the environmental economic impact of shipping from the perspective of CO2 emissions by implementing Marine Emission Trading Scheme (METS), as defined. This trading scheme is based on ...

    Authors: Elyakim Ben-Hakoun, Mordechai Shechter and Yehuda Hayuth
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2016 1:5
  3. From a European, regional and local perspective, as well as from the point of view of port authorities, it is important that waterborne transport should be sustainable. In this context, liquefied natural gas (...

    Authors: Raimonds Aronietis, Christa Sys, Edwin van Hassel and Thierry Vanelslander
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2016 1:2