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Why turn your interdisciplinary Chemistry research open access?

We’re excited to help many authors like you turn your new scientific findings, free and instantly accessible, enabling faster discovery of the latest research.  

When publishing open access, your work is open to all: it can be read, used and built upon by hundreds of researchers worldwide.  With early and rapid access to research findings, we can help reshape the way researchers communicate and collaborate.

We publish comprehensive and innovative contributions in the interdisciplinary study of Chemistry, and its integrated role across multiple research areas and spaces. 

Find out why you should turn your next research open access - we'll give you 3 great reasons to start below.

1. You’ll be able to create a greater, broader impact with your interdisciplinary Chemistry research

new_Hybrid+usage+report-OA+advantage.jv3pgStudies have shown that open access articles are viewed and cited more often than articles behind a paywall. Open access articles benefit from:  

  • 1.6 times more citations
  • 4 times higher downloads
  • 2.5 times higher Altmetric scores

Learn more about the key findings and methodology behind the our global analysis. 

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2. We’re dedicated in accelerating the adoption of open access  

 BMC new_SpringerOpenWe are part of Springer Nature, a leading global academic publisher committed to accelerating the adoption of open access (OA) publishing and open research techniques. 

Have any specific questions on our interdisciplinary Chemistry open access journals programme? Get in touch with our team of experienced editors who have specialized knowledge in the research area of Chemistry.

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3. We’re strengthening our support for open access more than ever  

© PTter Gudella, iStockphotoTo further strengthen our support for authors and institutions to adopt open access, we’ve partnered with many institutions to cover open access publishing costs for Springer Nature's fully OA journals. 

Learn also about Projekt DEAL, where authors affiliated with the 700+ German academic and research institutions which are part of this agreement  will be able to publish their accepted manuscripts immediate (gold) OA in both Springer Nature ‘hybrid’ and fully OA journals, with the relative costs managed centrally by their institutions.

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Which journal does your interdisciplinary Chemistry research belong to?

If you're not familiar with our open access journals yet - we've listed them to below. Click to learn more about each of them:

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Why open access?

Our Editors-in-Chiefs share their thoughts on adopting open access for their journals.  

"Open access is a growing trend in this field because it eliminates an entry barrier, levels the playing field and increases accessibility to a larger audience. It is especially fitting that a journal straddling the divide between say the physical sciences and the biological sciences is one that is accessible to researchers who have different perspectives, different terminologies and different vocabularies. So I see open access as a most logical choice for Cancer Nanotechnology. " - Sunil Krishnan, co-Editor-in-Chief of Cancer Nanotechnology. Read the full interview here.

"The decision to make Materials Theory open access provides authors a venue for rapid dissemination of their research in as much as users everywhere will be able to access the journal articles without financial or institutional barriers." - Anter El-Azab, Editor-in-Chief of Materials Theory. Read the Editorial here.

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