This special issue calls for papers from the 13th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-13) that broadly address various aspects of polar substorms, including substorm processes in the tail, magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions, substorm currents and their dynamics, the role of substorms in geospace energetics, the role of MHD and kinetic waves and instabilities in substorms, methods and measurement techniques directly related to polar substorms, substorm-like features at planets other than Earth, and any other topics relevant to understanding polar substorms. This special issue calls for papers from the meeting of ICS-13 held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, during September 25-29, 2017. The biennial ICS conferences are the primary international meetings dedicated to polar substorms, which are fundamental global-scale disturbances in the Earths magnetosphere. The September 2017 conference will be a timely opportunity for close and extensive interactions of ionospheric and magnetospheric scientists in light of recent results coming from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission and other recent observations. We solicit papers of all styles (letter/full paper/technical report).
Edited by: James LaBelle, Jimmy Raeder, Marc Lessard, Masahito Nose