This thematic series is devoted to the latest achievements in fixed point theory, computation and applications. It will reflect both state-of-the-art
abstract research as well as important recent advances in computation and applications.
One of the most dynamic area of research of the last 50 years, fixed point theory plays a fundamental role in several theoretical and applied areas, such as nonlinear analysis, integral and differential equations and inclusions, dynamic systems theory, mathematics of fractals, mathematical economics (game theory, equilibrium problems, optimization problems) and mathematical modeling. This thematic series will present relevant works related to the theory of fixed points and its various applications to pure, applied and computational mathematics. Special attention will be paid to the most important theories developed by Professor Ioan A. Rus and the Cluj-Napoca Fixed Point Theory School: the Picard operator theory, the fixed point structure theory and other aspects of fixed point theory.
Edited by: Vasile Berinde (Universitatea de Nord din Baia Mare, Romania), Adrian Petrusel (Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and Radu Precup (Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca)