Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering is calling for submissions to our Collection on 'Metric Fixed Point Theory and Its Applications.'
One of the most dynamic area of research of the last 100 years (actually, the metric fixed point theory was born in 1922 with the publication of the Contraction Principle by the Polish mathematician Stefan Banach), the metric fixed point theory developed both as a theory in itself, as well as a tool for solving several problems related to other theoretical and applied areas, such as nonlinear analysis, integral and differential equations and inclusions, dynamical systems theory, optimization, variational analysis, mathematics of fractals, game theory, equilibrium theory, mathematical modeling etc. This Collection intends to collect relevant works related to the theory of fixed points and its applications in various metrical structures.
These include (but are not limited to) fixed point, coincidence point, common fixed point and zero point results (theory, computation and applications) for single-valued and multi-valued mappings in:
- Hilbert space
- Banach spaces
- Metric spaces
- Generalized metric spaces
- Uniform/gauge spaces
- Modular spaces
- Geodesic spaces etc.
as well as metrical structures endowed with a complementary structure (e.g. order structure, graph structure etc).