Over millennia, reburns (fire-fire interactions) created ever-shifting mosaics of vegetation and fuels, with local to regional stabilizing influences on future fire event sizes, their severity patterns, and emerging forest, herbland, shrubland, and woodland conditions. In this special collection, we feature research that explores these reburning influences on fire regimes of landscapes and their associated fuel and successional conditions. We present studies that use the REBURN modeling framework to explore these dynamics in past, present, and future landscapes of eastern Washington State, USA, British Columbia, Canada, and northern California, USA forests.
Guest Editors:
Paul F. Hessburg, USDA-FS, PNW Research Station, USA
Lori D. Daniels, University of British Columbia, Canada
Nicholas Povak, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USA
Jennifer Baron, University of British Columbia, Canada
Jocelyne Laflamme, University of British Columbia, Canada
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