Edited by:
Massimo Attanasio, University of Palermo, Italy
Description text:
This thematic series collects some papers on Italian student mobility. The aim of this thematic series is twofold. First, to describe the phenomenon which is important not only from the point of view of universities but also because of its negative socio-economic implications for the South of Italy. Second, to propose new applications of statistical methods for this topic, applications which can be extended to other forms of migration, too.
Massimo Attanasio
Students’ university mobility patterns in Europe: an introduction
Genus 78, 17 (2022)
Antonella D’Agostino, Giulio Ghellini & Gabriele Lombardi
Movers and stayers in STEM enrollment in Italy: who performs better?
Genus 77, 31 (2021)
Laura Rizzi, Luca Grassetti & Massimo Attanasio
Moving from North to North: how are the students’ university flows?
Genus 77, 8 (2021)
Silvia Columbu, Mariano Porcu, Ilaria Primerano, Isabella Sulis & Maria Prosperina Vitale
Analysing the determinants of Italian university student mobility pathways
Genus 77, 34 (2021)
Silvia Columbu, Mariano Porcu, Ilaria Primerano, Isabella Sulis & Maria Prosperina Vitale
Correction to: Analysing the determinants of Italian university student mobility pathways
Genus 78, 6 (2022)
Andrea Priulla, Nicoletta D’Angelo & Massimo Attanasio
An analysis of Italian university students’ performance through segmented regression models: gender differences in STEM courses
Genus 77, 11 (2021)
Francesco Santelli, Giancarlo Ragozini & Maria Prosperina Vitale
Assessing the effects of local contexts on the mobility choices of university students in Campania region in Italy
Genus 78, 5 (2022)
Cristina Giudici, Eleonora Trappolini & Donatella Vicari
The academic performance of students with a migrant background: evidence from a cohort enrolled at Sapienza University of Rome
Genus 77, 38 (2021)
Diana Roxana Galos
Privilege travels: migration and labour market outcomes of Southern Italian graduates
Genus 78, 9 (2022)
Valentina Tocchioni & Alessandra Petrucci
Italian PhD students at the borders: the relationship between family background and international mobility
Genus 77, 14 (2021)