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Advances on Point Cloud technology: From coding and quality evaluation to applications

Guest Editors:

António Pinheiro: Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Ricardo de Queiroz: Universidade Federal de Brasilia, Brasil
Stuart Perry: University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Luís Cruz: Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Irene Viola: Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands

Submission Status: Closed   |   Submission Deadline: Closed

EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing is calling for submissions to our Collection on Advances on Point Cloud technology: From coding and quality evaluation to applications

In this special issue of the EURASIP JIVP, leading researchers and practitioners in academia, industry and standard-bodies are invited to contribute to the advancement of the state of the art on point cloud processing technology, by submitting new coding models based either on the traditional approaches or in machine learning technology, new quality models for subjective quality estimation, new objective quality measures, and new methods and applications of point cloud processing.

Point Clouds (PC) are one of the formats being considered to represent plenoptic information. They provide a flexible representation of 3D visual information with multiple applications to virtual, mixed and augmented reality, computer graphics modelling, medical imaging, mobile robot environment modelling for use in autonomous driving and other applications. 

However, the widespread adoption of point cloud applications faces several challenges, amongst which the most pressing one is the volume of data required to represent the geometry and attributes of the increasingly larger sets of points generated by point cloud capture and generation processes and devices. 

Solving this problem calls for advanced coding models able to reduce the data size of point clouds to volumes compatible with efficient transmission, storage and processing. 

In the last few years several point cloud coding methods have been proposed based on different representation principles, from octree decompositions to projection onto 2D images followed by waveform coding via legacy image coders. Recently a new class of methods leveraging the power of (deep) machine learning has been proposed, achieving good performance in geometry information coding, that is being followed by integrating machine learning based attribute compression tools. Besides the prospects of achieving coding performance (geometry and attributes) exceeding the state-of-art performance the machine learning solutions also permit direct compressed domain processing, with significant savings in the computational costs associated with decoding operations.

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 09.

  1. Point clouds denote a prominent solution for the representation of 3D photo-realistic content in immersive applications. Similarly to other imaging modalities, quality predictions for point cloud contents are ...

    Authors: Evangelos Alexiou, Xuemei Zhou, Irene Viola and Pablo Cesar
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2024 2024:20
  2. 3D point cloud data, as an immersive detailed data source, has been increasingly used in numerous applications. To deal with the computational and storage challenges of this data, it needs to be compressed bef...

    Authors: Zhe Luo, Wenjing Jia and Stuart Perry
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2024 2024:18
  3. This paper addresses the problem of 6D pose tracking of plane segments from point clouds acquired from a mobile camera. This is motivated by manual packing operations, where an opportunity exists to enhance pe...

    Authors: Guillermo A. Camacho-Muñoz, Sandra Esperanza Nope Rodríguez, Humberto Loaiza-Correa, João Paulo Silva do Monte Lima and Rafael Alves Roberto
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2024 2024:17
  4. The rapid growth on the amount of generated 3D data, particularly in the form of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds (PCs), poses very significant challenges in terms of data storage, transmission...

    Authors: Nuno A. B. Martins, Luís A. da Silva Cruz and Fernando Lopes
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2024 2024:15
  5. The recent rise in interest in point clouds as an imaging modality has motivated standardization groups such as JPEG and MPEG to launch activities aiming at developing compression standards for point clouds. L...

    Authors: Davi Lazzarotto, Michela Testolina and Touradj Ebrahimi
    Citation: EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2024 2024:14

About the collection

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit unpublished manuscripts for publication in this Special Issue. Subject of interests include, but are not limited to: 

• Machine learning based point cloud coding
• Point cloud coding with standardized codecs
• Point cloud content analysis and processing
• Point clouds subjective quality evaluation
• Objective quality metrics for point clouds
• Large public and annotated test and training data sets with descriptions
• New methods for acquisition and generation of point clouds
• Point cloud pre- and post-processing, for efficient coding
• Point cloud super-resolution methods
• Point cloud denoising methods
• Novel applications of point clouds
• Implementation and optimization of point cloud processing and coding methods
• Point Cloud applications in IoT
• Instance and semantic segmentation of the point cloud data
• Impact of compression algorithms on computer vision algorithms such as parts recognition and object classification

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