This thematic series, published in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, focuses on the detection of deception.
How easily can one person tell when another person is lying to them? It is a question that has been investigated for the better part of a century. This special issue focuses on knowledge that has accumulated over the years and on the questions that researchers are trying to answer today. Can an untrained individual detect another’s “high-stakes” lie through passive observation? How much better is a trained individual at detecting deception when actively interviewing a witness or when interrogating a suspect? Are polygraph tests useless aids for detecting deception, as they are often perceived to be? And what might fMRI have to offer in this area?
Edited by:
- John Wixted, UC San Diego
This collection of articles has not been sponsored and articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Guest Editors declare no competing interests.