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Accelerating the design of the future circular collider

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This collection of articles describes progress on the Future Circular Collider (FCC) lepton (electron-positron) design as well as the hadron collider design.  The FCC is a proposed 100-km collider complex based at the CERN particle physics laboratory, profiting from the laboratory's existing research infrastructure.  The FCC Conceptual Design was documented in a series of reports in EPJ that were published June, 2019 and were submitted to the 2020 European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP).  The 2020 ESPP supported the idea of following the HL-LHC with a Higgs factory based on a lepton collider followed by a 100 TeV-scale hadron collider.  The FCC is aimed at such a facility.  A feasibility study has been started to optimize the FCC design and study detailed placement options; this will be published in 2026 to support the next ESPP.  During the feasibility study, the parameters of the rings are in flux but this collection of articles provide updates to the concepts put forth in the Conceptual Design Report.  Topics include a parameter and layout update for the electron-positron collider, optics considerations for the hadron collider, fundamental beam physic challenges including collective effects as well as optics correction and stabilization, and possible technological solutions for some of the challenging hardware in the FCC complex.

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Guest Editors

Angeles Faus-Golfe, CNRS/In2p3

Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC 

Submission Information 

Please note during the submission process, choose the relevant special issue under the Additional Information section when asked “Are you submitting to a Thematic Series?”. The topical issue is available as “TS: Accelerating the design of the future circular collider”


  1. The Future Circular Collider FCC-ee aims at unprecedented luminosities to be obtained with the crab-waist collision scheme. In this paper we describe the mechanical model of the interaction region layout inclu...

    Authors: Manuela Boscolo, Fabrizio Palla, Filippo Bosi, Francesco Fransesini and Stefano Lauciani
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2023 10:16
  2. The FCC-ee machines present a huge challenge for the RF systems, which need to be adapted to very diverse beam conditions going from moderate energy and high current for the Z machine to high energy and low be...

    Authors: W. Venturini Delsolaro, M. Garlasche, F. Peauger, G. Rosaz, I. Karpov, L. Zhang, A. M. Valente Feliciano, S. A. Udongwo, A. Bianchi, G. Bellini, L. M. A. Ferrera, C. Pereira Carlos, L. Vega Cid, S. Leith, T. Proslier, S. Gorgi Zadeh…
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2023 10:6
  3. The FCC-ee is a very challenging accelerator project from the point of view of vacuum. Apart from the sheer size of the machine, a twin-ring of 100 km circumference, the vacuum system design must be capable of...

    Authors: Roberto Kersevan
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2022 9:12
  4. The FCC-ee impedance model is being constantly updated closely following the vacuum chamber design and parameters evolution. In particular, at present, a thicker NEG coating of 150 nm (instead of previous 100 ...

    Authors: M. Migliorati, C. Antuono, E. Carideo, Y. Zhang and M. Zobov
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2022 9:10
  5. Electron clouds forming inside the beam vacuum chamber due to photoemission and secondary emission may limit the accelerator performance. Specifically, the electron clouds can blow up the vertical emittance of...

    Authors: Fatih Yaman, Giovanni Iadarola, Roberto Kersevan, Salim Ogur, Kazuhito Ohmi, Frank Zimmermann and Mikhail Zobov
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2022 9:9
  6. Within the framework of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) currently being investigated at CERN, the entire cryogenic cycle had to be revised with respect to the existing Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In partic...

    Authors: Maxime Podeur and Damian M. Vogt
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2022 9:6
  7. The operation modes for the proposed FCC-ee collider foresee a very small beam spot size and stored beam energies of up to 20.6 MJ in Z production. This necessitates a dedicated beam dumping system. To reduce ...

    Authors: Alexander Krainer, Wolfgang Bartmann, Marco Calviani, Yann Dutheil, Anton Lechner, Antonio Perillo Marcone, Salim Ogur and Rebecca Ramjiawan
    Citation: EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2022 9:3