Guest Editors:
Yuri Amelin: Korea Basic Science Institute, South Korea
Hiroshi Hidaka: Nagoya University, Japan
The Special Collection of papers presented in this volume features the proceedings of the Korea-Japan Joint Conference on the Geochemical and Cosmochemical Applications of Microanalysis that was hosted by the Korea Basic Science Institute, and was held in Ochang, South Korea, in June 2023. Many institutions and research groups in both Korea and Japan have long-standing traditions of developing novel microanalytical techniques for earth and planetary sciences. Comprising 11 papers, this collection offers insights into the latest advancements in these techniques and their diverse applications. The analytical developments reported herein have broad applicability across terrestrial and planetary materials, leading to enhancements in analytical data and, in some instances, the emergence of entirely new opportunities. We are confident that these advancements will significantly contribute to the progress and deeper understanding of the fields of geochemistry and cosmochemistry.
The articles underwent the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. The editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the editors have competing interests was handled by another editorial board member who has no competing interests.