Edited by: Rocco Furferi (University of Florence, Italy), Maria Perla Colombini (University of Pisa, Italy), Kate Seymour (Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL), Netherlands), Anna Pelagotti (European Research Council (ERC), Belgium), Francesco Gherardini (University of Modena and Reggio, Italy)​​​​​​
This collection originates in the context of the Florence Heri-Tech International Conference, held in Florence, Italy, on 16-18 May 2022. The conference involved a large number of researchers and scholars from all over the world, as well as companies, experts, operators and enthusiasts who focus on current and future issues related to innovative techniques and technologies in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH). In particular, the conference favored the meeting of the academic world with Industry, and this made it possible to develop a collection of papers that promote and deal with the following topics:
- Materials science: chemical and physical progress in the development of new materials and methods for the conservation / restoration of CH; Future trends in conservation and restoration technologies: biotechnology, nanotechnology, bespoke materials, physical technologies.
- Diagnostics and monitoring: Advancement in damage assessment: diagnosis (I.R., U.V., Raman technologies, X-ray spectrophotometry, tomography, X-ray, gas chromatography and other analytical methods) and monitoring for restoration, preventive conservation and maintenance of CH.
- Engineering: Applications of technology to the conservation and restoration of art in archaeological sites; Restoration and Rehabilitation of CH sites in areas of armed conflict, using digital technology; Restoration and Rehabilitation of CH sites in the earthquake area, using digital technology.
- ICT and Digital Heritage: 3D Architectural Design and Rendering; Virtual museums; Methods and systems to enhance the use of heritage and storytelling; New methods for education in art, conservation and restoration; Reviews on new technologies in art and restoration.
- Environment and Cultural Heritage: Creating the Right Environment for Cultural Heritage / Visitor, A Smart Environment for Cultural Heritage Applications, Monitoring of Indoor Cultural Heritage Environments, Smart Museums, Cultural Heritage Sustainability Index in Conflict Regions and war.
- Sustainable architecture for cultural heritage: built cultural heritage and sustainable urban development, innovative materials and technologies for landscape architecture, intelligent materials in architecture, interior architecture and exhibition design.