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In the Aftermath of 2020! What’s Next?

This Thematic Collection, “In the aftermath of 2020! What’s next?” addresses important areas influencing industry business performance. The editorial considers the events that occurred during 2020, a year marked by the COVID-19 Pandemic, which had an extraordinary impact on shipping, particularly on container shipping. Fulconis and Lissillour deal with classification societies and maritime safety. Dominguez-Péry et al. carry out a systematic literature review to reduce tanker accidents by tackling human error and identifying a future research agenda. Karaoulanis and Pelagidis deal with the Panamax market’s behaviour by focusing on expectations and time lags. Gascón investigates bareboat charter agreements insurance-related problems. Finally, Olga et al. focus on green shipping. Olga et al. explore the Greek stakeholders’ intention in accepting and using liquefied natural gas and electricity as alternative fuels.

Guest editors: 
Ana Cristina Paixão Casaca, World of Shipping Portugal, Portugal and CIMOSM-Centro de Investigação em Modelação e Optimização de Sistemas Multifuncionais, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal.

Maria Amélia Ramos Loja, CIMOSM-Centro de Investigação em Modelação e Optimização de Sistemas Multifuncionais, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal and IDMEC-Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal.

  1. Over the past decade the number of maritime transportation accidents has fallen. However, as shipping vessels continue to increase in size, one single incident, such as the oil spills from ‘super’ tankers, can...

    Authors: Carine Dominguez-Péry, Lakshmi Narasimha Raju Vuddaraju, Isabelle Corbett-Etchevers and Rana Tassabehji
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2021 6:20
  2. Currently, the shipping industry is at a crossroads. Although it has overcome numerous technological barriers and finance and economic crises over the years, the industry is facing its most prominent challenge...

    Authors: Ana Cristina Paixão Casaca and Maria Amélia Ramos Loja
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2021 6:16
  3. It is widely accepted that the highly volatile Panamax market has many peculiarities; for example, Panamax vessels transport the major and the minor dry bulk cargoes worldwide. In contrast, the variety of carg...

    Authors: Ioannis Karaoulanis and Theodore Pelagidis
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2021 6:15
  4. In 2017, the majority of the United Kingdom Supreme Court held in its judgment in the Gard Marine and Energy v China National Chartering (The Ocean Victory) case that, in bareboat charters under the ‘BARECON 89’ ...

    Authors: Albano Gilabert Gascón
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2021 6:12
  5. Classification societies play a major role in maritime safety and the regulation of the international shipping market. They have a dual mission, namely the classification and certification of ships. Paradoxica...

    Authors: François Fulconis and Raphael Lissillour
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2021 6:10
  6. Today, alternative fuels are seen as a critical area of sustainable technological growth in maritime transport. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), the United Nations body for maritime issues and ot...

    Authors: Olga Sideri, Michalis Papoutsidakis, Theodore Lilas, Nikitas Nikitakos and Dimitrios Papachristos
    Citation: Journal of Shipping and Trade 2021 6:9