An International Conference on Analysis and Applications was held at Kirsehir, Turkey during July 12-15, 2016. Beside 7 plenary talks and 5 invited speakers, more than 240 papers were presented on different topics in Analysis, including Approximation by Linear and Nonlinear Operators, Fixed Point Theory and its Applications, Applications in Differential Equations and Partial Differential equations, Fourier, Wavelet and Harmonic Analysis Methods in Function Spaces, Variational Analysis including Variational Inequalities, Optimization and Applications, Convex Analysis and Applications, Spectral Theory and Differential Operators, Geometry of Banach Spaces, Modern methods in Summability and Approximation, Sequence Spaces and Matrix Transformations, etc. Most of the talks by plenary speakers and invited speakers reflect both the state-of-the-art in abstract research as well as in applications. We shall include papers which lie under the scope of Advances in Difference Equations. We shall also invite other researchers, who could not participate due to one or other reason, to contribute their papers in this special issue.
Edited by Kadri Dogan, Nour El Houda Bouzara and Necip Simsek