This thematic series will publish in Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture.
Guest Edited by: Dr. Randy Purves, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Aims and Scope: Mass spectrometry has evolved into a powerful tool that is being implemented in a variety of ways across a wide range of disciplines. Important advances in plant research have been reported through the use of mass spectrometry based technologies, including omics and imaging workflows, among others. These technologies are used in a systems biology approach that has lead to important advancements through a better understanding of plant biochemistry. For example, the identification of phytochemicals for nutritional and medicinal purposes, the detection of biomarkers for identifying important genetic variations and understanding plant defense mechanisms, are just some of the research areas that have benefited from mass spectrometry. This thematic series will explore the diversity of applications of mass spectrometry that have been used to further plant science research.
Keywords: biochemical pathways, biomarkers, imaging, lipidomics, MALDI, medical applications, metabolomics, nutrition (folates, polyphenols), plant, plant defense, proteomics, quantification.
Manuscripts considered: Scientists active in this field are cordially invited to submit their manuscripts to this thematic series. Both research articles and reviews will be considered.
Submission Instructions: Prior to submission, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for the journal. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct article collection, please select 'Mass Spectrometry for Plant Applications' in the drop-down menu upon submission; in addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish for your manuscript to be considered within this thematic series.
All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.