This is an article collection in Environmental Sciences Europe.
Plants, bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae and other organisms produce a vast diversity of bioactive and toxic natural compounds. We know that many of these toxins are mobile and can be produced in high amounts close to or within drinking water reservoirs. Natural toxins represent emerging classes of environmental contaminants for which we have very limited insight on occurrence, fate and effects. This article collection addresses knowledge gaps within the field of natural toxins, target, non-target, suspect and effect-directed analysis, distribution, fate, toxicity and management of natural toxins in aquatic environments and drinking water reservoirs.
Accepted topics include, but are not limited to:
- Classification of natural compounds, new compounds and sources
- Analytical methods for natural toxins (target and non-target)
- Sampling and monitoring
- Environmental modelling
- Physicochemical properties, environmental distribution and fate
- Environmental and human exposure
- Toxicity to aquatic/terrestrial organisms and humans
- Risk assessment and regulation
- Removal/management of natural toxins
- Future challenges: climate change effects, biopesticides, invasive species etc.
Submission Instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for Environmental Sciences Europe. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the Environmental Sciences Europe submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct article collection please select the appropriate article collection in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the article collection 'Natural Toxins - Environmental Fate and Safe Water Supply'. All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.
Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2020
Edited by:
Hans Christian Bruun Hansen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Klára Hilscherová, RECETOX, Masaryk University, Czechia
Thomas Bucheli, Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, Switzerland