Guest Editors:
- Olivier Allix (ENS Cachan, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- Armando Duarte (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA)
The implementation of new discretization methods and solution algorithms in industrial-grade commercial software is often difficult, time-consuming and therefore expensive. As a result, while available commercial software has the breadth of algorithms and finite element technology required to solve many industrial scale problems, they lack recent developments in finite element methods and algorithms required to address emerging simulation challenges such as problems exhibiting multiscale phenomena. In contrast, research software that implement these novel methods and algorithms are typically limited in scope of applications. One strategy to address this issue is to non-intrusively couple commercial and research software and thus provide to the end user simulation and modeling capabilities not available in any single software.
This special issue gathers recent developments and applications of various non-intrusive techniques, illustrating how they enable simulations that would have been more complex to perform with other computational approaches. We hope this special issue will match the interest of the reader of AMSES. The guest editors are very thankful to the contributors of this special issue and to the editors of AMSES who made this special issue possible.