Special Issue on Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement
Citation: EPJ Quantum Technology 2021 8:21
Benchmarking machine learning algorithms for adaptive quantum phase estimation with noisy intermediate-scale quantum sensors
Quantum phase estimation is a paradigmatic problem in quantum sensing and metrology. Here we show that adaptive methods based on classical machine learning algorithms can be used to enhance the precision of qu...
Citation: EPJ Quantum Technology 2021 8:16 -
Exploiting the wide dynamic range of silicon photomultipliers for quantum optics applications
Silicon photomultipliers are photon-number-resolving detectors endowed with hundreds of cells enabling them to reveal high-populated quantum optical states. In this paper, we address such a goal by showing the...
Citation: EPJ Quantum Technology 2021 8:4 -
A study to develop a robust method for measuring the detection efficiency of free-running InGaAs/InP single-photon detectors
The challenges faced in a comparison of measuring the detection efficiency of free-running InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche detectors (InGaAs/InP SPAD) were studied by four European National Metrology Instit...
Citation: EPJ Quantum Technology 2020 7:14 -
A biocompatible technique for magnetic field sensing at (sub)cellular scale using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers
Citation: EPJ Quantum Technology 2020 7:13 -
A quantum key distribution protocol for rapid denial of service detection
We introduce a quantum key distribution protocol designed to expose fake users that connect to Alice or Bob for the purpose of monopolising the link and denying service. It inherently resists attempts to exhau...
Citation: EPJ Quantum Technology 2020 7:8