A special class of embedded systems, also known as cyber physical systems (CPS), use embedded computers and networking infrastructure to control physical processes. Examples may be found in automotive, aerospace, defense, robotics and medical devices. Key characteristics of such safety critical systems include mixed-criticality (mix of hard and soft real-time tasks), distributed and hybrid computation models. The objective of this special issue is to explore the overlap between the design requirements of CPS and the use of object/component/service-oriented real-time distributed computing (ORC). Of particular interest are the real-time requirements for CPS and methods to ensure such requirements. Special emphasis will be given to papers in application domains such as Medical devices, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Industrial automation systems, Internet of Things and Smart Grids.
This special issue is inspired by the topics of 19th International Conference on Real-Time Computing (ISORC http:// isorc2016.org/resources/isorc2016-CFP-1.pdf) but any submission related with real-time issues and challenges for cyber-physical system is welcome. The best ISORC papers dealing with cyber physical systems in the context of this year's ISORC theme on Real-Time issues and challenges for novel applications and systems will be invited. The selected papers will have to be sufficiently (at least 30%) different from the ISORC version.
Edited by: Parth S. Roop, Mathias Pacher and Marco Wehrmeister