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Smart cities

The proliferation of “Smart Cities” initiatives around the world is a part of the strategic response by governments to the challenges and opportunities of increasing urbanization and the rise of cities as the nexus of societal development. This Thematic Series presents significant research contributions related to the design and development of Infrastructure, Services and Applications for the smart cities and urban contexts.

Edited by:

Edward Curry, LERO at National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria
Quan Z. Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia 
Amit Sheth, Kno.e.sis Center at Wright State University, USA

  1. We describe a platform for smart, city-wide crowd management based on participatory mobile phone sensing and location/situation specific information delivery. The platform supports quick and flexible deploymen...

    Authors: Tobias Franke, Paul Lukowicz and Ulf Blanke
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2015 6:27
  2. Many governments are considering adopting the smart city concept in their cities and implementing big data applications that support smart city components to reach the required level of sustainability and impr...

    Authors: Eiman Al Nuaimi, Hind Al Neyadi, Nader Mohamed and Jameela Al-Jaroodi
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2015 6:25
  3. Tourism is a major social and cultural activity with relevant economic impact. In an effort to promote their attractions with tourists, some cities have adopted the open-data model, publishing touristic data f...

    Authors: Ricardo Lopes Pereira, Pedro Cruz Sousa, Ricardo Barata, André Oliveira and Geert Monsieur
    Citation: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2015 6:24