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Scientific Networks and Success in Science

There is not only an emerging new science about data, there is also new data about science, in particular about scientific activities related to publications, collaborations, and citations. EPJ Data Science, with its focus on the digital traces generated in techno-socio-economic systems, aims to provide a platform for this research on science, to facilitate the science of science. We start with a first batch of papers that particularly address the social dimension of scientific activities, i.e. the role of the social network in successful publications, the role of early success in incentivising researchers, or the role of author and citation networks in improving predictions. The focus section will continue.

Edited by: Frank Schweitzer

  1. We present a novel algorithm and validation method for disambiguating author names in very large bibliographic data sets and apply it to the full Web of Science (WoS) citation index. Our algorithm relies only ...

    Authors: Christian Schulz, Amin Mazloumian, Alexander M Petersen, Orion Penner and Dirk Helbing
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2014 3:11
  2. We address the question to what extent the success of scientific articles is due to social influence. Analyzing a data set of over 100,000 publications from the field of Computer Science, we study how centrali...

    Authors: Emre Sarigöl, René Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer
    Citation: EPJ Data Science 2014 3:9