Transport Poverty and Inequalities
Citation: European Transport Research Review 2018 10:17
Restrained mobility in a high-accessible and migrant-rich area in downtown Beijing
Immigrant travel has become an emerging research field in transportation planning. A handful of scholars have studied the travel behavior of residents in immigrant enclaves in North America. However, thus far,...
Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 10:4 -
Equity in transport: Learning from the policy domains of housing, health care and education
The aim of this paper is to explore the equity principles in three main domains of government intervention (health, education and especially housing) and to draw lessons for the domain of transport. In line wi...
Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:53 -
Does competition in the housing market cause transport poverty? Interrelations of residential location choice and mobility
This contribution examines the impact of the housing market on daily mobility and is based on the assumption that, in a supply-dominated housing market, as availability and affordability decline, many people m...
Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:45 -
Opening the door to social equity: local and participatory approaches to transportation planning in Montreal
Transportation systems play a key role in providing individuals with a diversity of means to access their desired destinations and have significant impacts on their quality of life. The social perspective of m...
Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:43 -
Examining the relationships between individual’s time use and activity participations with their health indicators
Using a three-week household activity-travel survey, this paper explores the relationship between individuals’ self-reported physical, mental and social health conditions and their time allocation for differen...
Citation: European Transport Research Review 2017 9:26