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Translating radiological research into practice – from discovery to clinical impact

Thematic Series

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"Translating radiological research into practice – from discovery to clinical impact"

Successful translation of radiological research into clinical practice requires multiple factors, including tailored methodology, a multidisciplinary approach aiming beyond technical validation, and a focus on unmet clinical needs. To increase impact and uptake of guidelines, radiologists must take the lead in radiological studies and strive towards the highest levels of evidence. The thematic series ‘Translating radiological research into practice – from discovery to clinical impact’ comprises excellent articles dedicated to describing the challenges unique to radiological research and presenting the factors behind the success of impactful radiological studies to provide guidance for future radiological research.

Guest Editor:
Prof. Dr. Marion Smits, MD, PhD
Professor of Applied Physiological Neuroimaging Neuroradiologist, 
Chief of Neuroradiology 
Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Erasmus MC – University Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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  1. In the mid-1990s, the identification of BRCA1/2 genes for breast cancer susceptibility led to testing breast MRI accuracy in screening women at increased risk. From 2000 onwards, ten intraindividual comparativ...

    Authors: Francesco Sardanelli, Veronica Magni, Gabriele Rossini, Fleur Kilburn-Toppin, Nuala A. Healy and Fiona J. Gilbert
    Citation: Insights into Imaging 2024 15:96
  2. The stroke field is inevitably connected with imaging in which radiologists fulfill a central role. Our landmark MR CLEAN trial led to the implementation of baseline computed tomography angiography or magnetic...

    Authors: Noor Samuels, Rob A. van de Graaf, Yvo B. W. M. Roos, Diederik Dippel and Aad van der Lugt
    Citation: Insights into Imaging 2024 15:30
  3. Eighteen to 35% of adnexal masses remain non-classified following ultrasonography, leading to unnecessary surgeries and inappropriate management. This finding led to the conclusion that ultrasonography was ins...

    Authors: Yohann Dabi, Andrea Rockall, Elisabeth Sadowski, Cyril Touboul, Leo Razakamanantsoa and Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara
    Citation: Insights into Imaging 2024 15:29
  4. At the European Society of Radiology (ESR), we strive to provide evidence for radiological practices that improve patient outcomes and have a societal impact. Successful translation of radiological research in...

    Authors: Marion Smits, Andrea Rockall, Stefan N. Constantinescu, Francesco Sardanelli and Luis Martí-Bonmatí
    Citation: Insights into Imaging 2024 15:13