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Design and test bed experiments of server operation system using virtualization technology According to current researches, much of the electric power is being consumed by the server cooling system at the Data Center. Moreover, the power consumption rate increases when the number of the equipments and servers expands. Thus, the proposed server operation system has been designed to decrease power consumption rate and CO2 emission volume by minimizing the number of these equipments and simplifying the physical composition of the system. Virtualization technology was adopted in both designing and implementation phases to improve resource efficiency of the system. As a result, significant amount has been saved while constructing the server operation system in this paper. System’s performance has been evaluated using a virtual machine prior to its practical use through test bed experiments and the results confirms our expectation that the virtual hardwares will work as efficiently as actual ones. Jun-Ho Huh and Kyungryong Seo *As tracked by ISI/Clarivate | Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences |
Data management in cloud environments: NoSQL and NewSQL data stores Advances in Web technology and the proliferation of mobile devices and sensors connected to the Internet have resulted in immense processing and storage requirements. Cloud computing has emerged as a paradigm that promises to meet these requirements. This work focuses on the storage aspect of cloud computing, specifically on data management in cloud environments. Traditional relational databases were designed in a different hardware and software era and are facing challenges in meeting the performance and scale requirements of Big Data. NoSQL and NewSQL data stores present themselves as alternatives that can handle huge volume of data. Because of the large number and diversity of existing NoSQL and NewSQL solutions, it is difficult to comprehend the domain and even more challenging to choose an appropriate solution for a specific task. Therefore, this paper reviews NoSQL and NewSQL solutions with the objective of: (1) providing a perspective in the field, (2) providing guidance to practitioners and researchers to choose the appropriate data store, and (3) identifying challenges and opportunities in the field. Specifically, the most prominent solutions are compared focusing on data models, querying, scaling, and security related capabilities. Features driving the ability to scale read requests and write requests, or scaling data storage are investigated, in particular partitioning, replication, consistency, and concurrency control. Furthermore, use cases and scenarios in which NoSQL and NewSQL data stores have been used are discussed and the suitability of various solutions for different sets of applications is examined. Consequently, this study has identified challenges in the field, including the immense diversity and inconsistency of terminologies, limited documentation, sparse comparison and benchmarking criteria, and nonexistence of standardized query languages. Katarina Grolinger, Wilson A Higashino, Abhinav Tiwari, and Miriam AM Capretz | Journal of Cloud Computing |
Smart cities—enabling services and applications The proliferation of “Smart Cities” initiatives around the world is a part of the strategic response by governments to the challenges and opportunities of increasing urbanization and the rise of cities as the nexus of societal development. This JISA Thematic Series presents significant research contributions related to the design and development of Infrastructure, Services and Applications for the Smart City and Urban context. Edward Curry, Schahram Dustdar, Quan Z. Sheng, and Amit Sheth | Journal of Internet Services and Applications |
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