Edited by:
Weiming Wang, PhD, Huaiyin Normal University, PR China
Zhihang Peng, PhD, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, PR China
Kai Wang, PhD, Xinjiang Medical University, PR China
Raluca Eftimie, PhD, University of Franche-Comté, France
Prof Pierre Magal was initially invited to Co-Edit this Special Issue. Unfortunately this is not possible anymore, as the academic world has lost a great researcher expert in this field and a good friend. Thus, we decided to dedicate this Special Issue to Prof. Pierre Magal, to celebrate his long-lasting impact on this field.
Submission Status: Open | Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024
Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models is calling for submissions to our Collection on Biomathematical Modelling and Stochastic Analysis. This collection focuses on biomathematical modeling and its associated analysis for interacting populations and significant epidemic diseases.