This topical collection will be part of the post-conference publication of 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, which is hosted by BOKU, Vienna, and takes place on 14-18 July 2024, Vienna, Austria.
The increase of digitalization in our daily lives, the uncertainty about supply chain and economic conditions, and the introduction of new habits and values during the pandemic time have challenged the notion of “typical travel patterns” and raised questions on the assumptions underlying our transport models. In parallel, the impacts of climate change in recent years are becoming more and more apparent and knowledge on how we can identify the trigger(s) that lead to a profound, transformative behavior change beyond what we can see with our traditional approaches is critical to achieve our carbon net-zero target.
To respond to these challenges, this conference aims to look deeper to the interdisciplinary knowledge and advancement of methodologies and technologies enable us to explore new approaches in order to understand and forecast human decisions better.
This particular collection will be dedicated to channel high quality European case studies, in particular for the ones which comes from Central and Eastern European countries, including Balkan region, which have not received enough attention in the past. Unlike northern and western part of Europe, these parts of Europe have seen many disruptive events since the fall of Berlin wall which have shaped travel behavior. Such disruption is not only due to recent COVID-19 pandemic, but also due to political, economic and energy crises, high pollutions, refugees, earthquakes, and now war. From that perspective, the true value of knowledge for the rest of Europe and world is how are these regions coping with decades of disruptions.