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Local and NonLocal Boundary value Problems

Boundary Value Problems is calling for submissions to our Collection on Local and NonLocal Boundary Value Problems (BVPs). This collection aims to conduct a comprehensive investigation into both local and nonlocal boundary value problems, with the following key objectives: characterization of local BVPs; exploration of nonlocal BVPs; integration and comparative analysis; and applications.

Edited by: Nejmeddine Chorfi, PhD, King Saud University, Saudi ArabiaVicentiu Radulescu, PhD, AGH University of Krakow, Poland 

Submission Status: Open  |  Submission Deadline: 1 December 2024

About the Collection

Boundary value problems (BVPs) play a pivotal role in various scientific and engineering disciplines, providing mathematical models for phenomena ranging from heat conduction to fluid dynamics and beyond. Traditionally, researchers have primarily focused on local BVPs, where the solution at a point depends only on the values of the function and its derivatives at that point. However, in recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the significance of nonlocal BVPs, where the solution involves the integration of the function over an interval rather than evaluation at a single point. This shift in focus arises from the need to model phenomena with nonlocal interactions, such as long-range interactions in materials, spatially distributed processes in biology, and fractional differential equations in physics.

The study of nonlocal BVPs has gained prominence due to its ability to capture the intricate nature of phenomena that exhibit memory effects, long-range interactions, and non-local dependencies. Understanding the mathematical properties, analytical solutions, and computational methods for nonlocal BVPs is essential for advancing our comprehension of diverse physical phenomena.

In this research proposal, we aim to conduct a comprehensive investigation into both local and nonlocal boundary value problems, with the following key objectives described in what follows.


1. Characterization of Local BVPs:

  • Review classical methods for solving local BVPs.
  • Investigate mathematical properties and solution existence for diverse local BVPs.
  • Develop efficient numerical algorithms for local BVPs.

2. Exploration of Nonlocal BVPs:

  • Investigate the mathematical foundations of nonlocal BVPs, including fractional calculus and integral equations.
  • Examine the existence and uniqueness of solutions for various classes of nonlocal BVPs.
  • Propose innovative numerical methods for solving nonlocal BVPs.

3. Integration and Comparative Analysis:

  • Develop a unified framework that integrates local and nonlocal BVPs.
  • Conduct a comparative analysis to identify scenarios where nonlocal effects significantly impact solutions.
  • Assess the computational efficiency and accuracy of existing and proposed methods for both local and nonlocal BVPs.

4. Applications:

  • Apply the unified approach to real-world problems in physics, engineering, and biology, emphasizing scenarios with mixed local and nonlocal effects.
  • Evaluate the practical significance of considering both local and nonlocal aspects in modeling complex phenomena.

The central purpose of this special issue hosted by Boundary Value Problems is to attract high-level papers written by distinguished scientists all over the world. The topic is modern and very suitable for applications in many fields, including mathematical physics, engineering, Newtonian and non-Newtonian mechanics, etc.

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    Citation: Boundary Value Problems 2024 2024:112
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  6. In this paper, we investigate a scenario concerning a coupled nonlocal singular viscoelastic equation with sources and distributed delay terms. By establishing suitable conditions, we have proved that a finite...

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    Citation: Boundary Value Problems 2024 2024:77
  7. We provide here a novel approach for solving IVPs in ODEs and MTFDEs numerically by means of a class of MSJPs. Using the SCM, we build OMs for RIs and RLFI for MSJPs as part of our process. These architectures...

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  8. In this paper, we obtain conditions of the solvability of the Riemann boundary value problem for sectionally analytic functions in multiply connected domains in Besov spaces embedded into the class of continuo...

    Authors: Nazarbay Bliev and Nurlan Yerkinbayev
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  9. A hybrid system interacts with the discrete and continuous dynamics of a physical dynamical system. The notion of a hybrid system gives embedded control systems a great advantage. The Langevin differential equ...

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  10. In this work, we consider a quasilinear system of viscoelastic equations with dispersion, source, and variable exponents. Under suitable assumptions on the initial data and the relaxation functions, we obtaine...

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    Citation: Boundary Value Problems 2024 2024:57

Submission Guidelines

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This Collection welcomes submission of Research articles and Reviews. Should you wish to submit a different article type, please read our submission guidelines to confirm that type is accepted by the journal. 

Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system, SNAPP. Please select the appropriate Collection title “Local and NonLocal Boundary value Problems" from the dropdown menu.

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all the journal’s standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

The Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer-review process. The peer-review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.