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Publish your supplements

Publishing a supplement to one of SpringerOpen's journals is a very effective means of disseminating scientific findings and conference material to the relevant target audience. Many SpringerOpen's journals will consider the following types of supplement for publication:

  • Proceedings (full papers or meeting abstracts) 
  • Research collections 
  • Review collections 

All full length article supplements to SpringerOpen's journals are:

  • Peer reviewed 
  • Free to access online eliminating barriers of registration/payment to view articles 
  • Deposited in an Open Access archive, guaranteeing the permanency of publication on the Internet
  • Available via Springerlink post-publication

Editorial policy

Supplements must be independent, balanced and of scientific educational interest, and are accepted subject to the approval of the journal's Editor(s)-in-Chief (see "Acceptance" below).

Articles are subject to full peer review and standard journal editorial policies (available via the relevant journal’s website) apply. Submissions must be prepared according to SpringerOpen's Instructions for Authors (Supplements).

All articles and conference abstracts must be original.

Supplement Editors

Supplement Editor(s) are to be appointed in all cases and appointments are subject to the approval of the Editor(s)-in-Chief. Supplement Editors must remain impartial and are required to provide competing interests statements.

Peer review

The peer review process will conform to the relevant journal's standard policy.

In all cases editorial control of supplement content is retained by the Editor(s)-in-Chief at all times. The Editor(s)-in-Chief may request changes or corrections, or reject or withdraw articles or conference abstracts where they do not meet journal standards.


Copyright on individual articles and conference abstracts published in SpringerOpen is retained by the authors, and authors grant Springer a license to publish the article under a Creative Commons licence. To learn more about OA licences visit our licensing and copyright guide.


Charges for publication will normally apply, and will vary according to the number of articles/conference abstracts submitted, their length and complexity, and the services to be provided by SpringerOpen.

Article-processing charges do not apply; instead, a single publication fee is quoted for the supplement. For this reason SpringerOpen is unable to offer waivers of article-processing charges for full length article submissions to supplements.


The provisional acceptance of a supplement into a journal is subject to the approval of its Editor(s)-in-Chief. In order to reach a decision about suitability, as much of the following information as possible should be provided:

  • About the proposed supplement:
    • if the proposed supplement originates from a conference, please provide the conference title, dates, program, location, web address, expected number of delegates and any other relevant details
    • if the collection is not related to a conference, please provide a detailed outline including proposed title, topics and authors
  • Details of how the supplement will be funded 
  • The type(s) of articles to be submitted (reviews, research, full length article proceedings, short papers, conference abstracts, etc)
  • The estimated number of articles/conference abstracts to be submitted for publication 
  • The approximate length of each article/conference abstract in words 
  • The expected date of submission of articles/conference abstracts to SpringerOpen
  • A sample copy of previously published proceedings/collections (if available)
  • The name of the journal that would publish the proposed supplement
  • Peer review (full length article supplements): if you propose that your organizing group should run the peer-review process, please provide a detailed description of the process to be undertaken
  • Names of proposed Supplement Editors (note that Springer/the Editor(s) of the Journal may appoint additional Supplement Editors) and names of review committees where available 

For conference abstract collections, the following information is also requested: 

  • Confirmation that all abstracts will have undergone review and selection to ensure a suitable quality for publication 
  • Confirmation that all authors agree to publication of their abstract in the relevant journal


All supplements will be published as both a full text version and a fully formatted PDF version on the journal's website.

Further information

For further information, please contact us by emailing