Economic research remains vital in understanding these factors and planning for what will come next.
2018 has been a year of relative economic stability, with global economic growth remaining consistent from 2017 at 3% (1). Ten years on from the global financial crisis, research suggests the world economy has managed to recover from the lasting effects of 2007-8. However, looking beyond the macro perspective, economies continue to shift and change, influenced by many political, societal and environmental factors. Economic research remains vital in understanding these factors and planning for what will come next.
The SpringerOpen portfolio of fully open access journals covers a wide range of economic areas, including: economic structures, agriculture and food economics, labour markets and policy and finance. Read some highlights from the portfolio published in 2018 below:
New journal launch: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
Launched on the 25th January 2018, the Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics was founded in 1867 as the official publication of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics. 2018 marks the journal’s first year as a fully open access publication, covering theoretical and empirical research that contributes to any field of economics. Visit the journal webpage here.
Featured journal: Agricultural and Food Economics
Now in its sixth year of publishing with SpringerOpen, Agricultural and Food Economics is the official journal of the Italian Society of Agricultural Economics. It publishes research articles by economists, scholars, and researchers from all over the world on areas relating to the economics of food, nutrition and agricultural systems. Visit the journal webpage here.
Article highlights:
- The economics of secession:
Within Europe, the ongoing Brexit discussions continue to affect the economic landscape of EU member states and of course, that of the UK. The potential costs of the UK’s departure from the EU were highlighted in the article: ‘The economics of secession: a review of legal, theoretical, and empirical aspects’ published in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics.
Read more in the blog post here.
Food insecurity is a worldwide problem. In Ethiopia, 90% of the population live in rural areas, and among them, more than half suffer from food insecurity. To determine the real causes of food security, researchers collected data from rural farm households in the country’s Teleyayen sub-watershed region and analysed it rigorously before emerging with findings that will be of interest to policy-makers. Read the full article here. Read the blog post here.
- Criminal background and job performance:
Research shows that job applicants with criminal records are much less likely than others to obtain legitimate employment, but if employed, what effect does a criminal record have on an individual’s job performance? To evaluate this, the authors examined firm-level hiring practices and worker-level performance outcomes in occupations where turnover was a major labour cost.
Read the full article here. Read the blog post here.
- Recovery from the Great Recession:
The Great Recession in 2008 hit Spain particularly hard. Ten years on, new research from SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association analyses Spain’s recovery to date with a focus on inequality in the country. Read the full article here.
​​​​​​​(1) United Nations Economics Analysis and Policy Division:
Samuel Beattie is the Journal Development Editor for SpringerOpen/BMC Economics open access journals.